Sausage & Burger Patties
The Perth Royal Sausage & Burger Pattie Awards is a competition which supports innovation amongst Western Australian smallgood producers. Open only to WA entrants, it showcases the State’s finest quality sausages and burger patties in an exciting competitive environment. In a culture that loves a sausage sizzle, it’s the perfect opportunity to create brand awareness amongst West Australians.
2020 Key Dates
[tm-timeline layout=”0″ visible-items=”6″ date-format=”3″ tag=”sausages” anchors=”false” order=”ASC”]Become a Judge or Steward
Judges are selected based on their broad experience, industry-related expertise and most importantly, flavour perception.
Stewarding gives you a behind the scenes view of the Judging process and is the recommended pathway for anyone wanting to become a Judge in the future.
If you are interested in Judging or Stewarding please register your interest.
Further Information
Please contact Competition & Event Coordinators on (08) 6263 3156, (08) 6263 3160 or email